UrbanBound Employee Relocation Blog

10 Remote Summer Internship Tips | UrbanBound

Written by Megan Greer | May 12, 2020 2:48:14 PM

Has your summer internship been transformed into a remote internship as a result of COVID-19? It’s okay to be a bit disappointed, but you’re really one of the lucky ones. Many 2020 internships have been postponed or cancelled altogether. However, your employer values you enough to honor your internship—while sparing you the anxiety of relocating this summer. Now it’s up to you to make the most of it!

Although you’ll no longer be working onsite, you can still reap many key benefits of your original arrangement. Chances are, your goals included:

  • Gaining professional, real-world experience
  • Making future career connections
  • Scoring achievements to punch-up your resume

With a little planning and flexibility, you can still accomplish all of these things. Here’s 10 remote internship tips to get you there, all while establishing yourself as a remote intern rockstar.


1. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

It’s your manager’s responsibility to set goals, expectations and deadlines, but it’s your responsibility to ask questions when you need to and provide updates along the way. Find out how, and how often, your manager prefers to communicate—i.e., via email, videoconference, text, etc. When it comes to tone and formality, take your cue from your manager and team.


2. Set a Regular Workday Schedule

Even if your internship is project-based rather than hourly, follow a set workday schedule that matches that of your team. Creating a structured workday will help you stay focused—one of the most important skills of successful remote workers. It will also help you maintain a healthy work/life balance, which is particularly challenging when you work from home.


3. Be Hyper Organized

Keep a written daily and weekly to-do list, and update them continuously. If your work doesn’t include hard deadlines, create your own, breaking projects down into manageable stages. Being accountable—even if only to yourself—will help you maintain productivity. This is not like writing a term paper the night before it’s due.

Also, one of the disadvantages of remote work is that it’s easy to lose track of time. Beyond maintaining a calendar, set meeting and deadline alerts for yourself.


4. Act Like a Pro

The more professional you act, the more professional your output will be. Productivity experts recommend carving out one physical workspace (assuming your living space allows it) and even designating a “work wardrobe” (maybe not full-blown business attire, but a few steps up from sweats). In other words, psych yourself into a professional mindset.


5. Participate Actively in Meetings

Don’t be a fly on the wall in meetings. Do your prep work, research unfamiliar topics, and be ready to answer any questions that may come your way. It helps to jot down questions and talking points in advance. Although listening is more important than speaking, look for opportunities to participate meaningfully. (The earlier in a conversation you speak up, the easier it will get.)