UrbanBound Employee Relocation Blog

5 Tips for Choosing Your Relocation Services Partner

Written by Kristen Rodriguez | Mar 31, 2022 2:15:00 PM

So, you’re ready to outsource the management of your relocation program? Smart move! You’ll save tons in inhouse time and labor. And assuming you choose well, you’ll improve employee satisfaction and save money, too. The million-dollar question: how do you choose the right relocation services partner? What criteria should you weigh?

Great questions! After all, there’s no shortage of relocation companies out there, and they all sound impressive at first glance. However, scratch beneath the surface, and you’ll find some big differences. 

Choose well, and you’ll have an efficient, economical program that runs like clockwork and delivers consistently-awesome employee experiences. Choose poorly, and you can end up with an expensive, outdated program that leaves your new hires disenchanted, your HR team frustrated and your CFO unhappy. 

Yup, there’s a lot at stake here! 

So, how do you pick a winner? First, think about what you want from your relocation program, and formulate questions accordingly. And be sure to focus on these five key areas, which can make or break the success of your program.

1. Choose a Relocation Services Partner that Prioritizes Choice 

Every employer is different; every move is different. A relocation provider that demonstrates a cookie-cutter philosophy—i.e., that steers you toward one particular relocation policy or only works with one mover—is more interested in what’s-in-it-for-them than what’s-in-it-for-you and your people.  

On the other hand, a good relocation company will partner with you to develop the kind of program you want and work individually with each employee to craft a perfect, personalized move. In other words, they’ll accommodate you. 

2. Look for a Relocation Services Partner that Leverages Technology 

Not too long ago, all relocations were managed the same way: through relocation consultants that held the keys to every move. Employees had no choice but to make all their arrangements through a stranger on the other end of the phone. 

Although some older relocation companies still operate this way, a new generation of tech-based relocation providers give employees more flexibility in arranging their moves. They allow employees to book suppliers, submit receipts and scope out their new cities via a user-friendly online portal. Or, they can let their relocation specialist do the heavy lifting, if they’d prefer. (But most don’t prefer it.)  

Relocation software offers employers big advantages, too.