
Provide Everything Your New Team Member Needs to Know on Day One

The UrbanBound Platform provides important and specific information to your employees who are relocating to the area.

Information About Your Organization
Information About the Location They Will Be Working
Local Content with Helpful Tips

Company & Location Pages


Organization Information

It’s more than just knowing about the job, employees want to know about where they will work and what the culture is like. Co-worker Insights enable your employees to get a feel for what to expect, learn highlights about the area, and get to know a little about their future co-workers.


Reduce First Day Stress

As part of the Company Page, UrbanBound lets you also build location-specific pages to provide vital details about the locations employees are relocating to.

Each location for your organization can have its own custom page in the UrbanBound Platform providing invaluable information to the employees relocating to that location.


City & Neighborhood Info

Helpful tips are just a click away! Enjoy neighborhood guides, complete with hyper-local content including information on schools, the housing market and area demographics.

Local Content from UrbanBound provides your employees with helpful information on the location they may be moving to.

Help Your Relocating Employees Make Smarter Decisions with UrbanBound

Human Resources Today