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Diversity, equity, and inclusion are a cornerstone of UrbanBound’s philosophy as we continue to grow.

Commitment To Understanding
Celebration Of All Cultures
A Foundation In Equality
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Gender Diversity

57% Female 43% Male

“We are building a relocation solution that people with very diverse backgrounds use, and I feel we all want our company makeup to reflect the makeup of the people who use our software.”

Jeff Ellman

Females In Leadership

57% Female Leadership

"At UrbanBound we believe it takes diversity of thought, perspective, background, and experience to be innovative and create the best product and experience for our customers."

Trish Wootton
Head of Sales

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Racial Diversity

24% Non-White Employees

"The UrbanBound team promotes DEI on a daily basis. Employees in various roles, regardless of their experience, regularly get to share their point-of-view, ideas, and skills. Cherishing the culture of equality is just the smart thing to do. The more inclusive we are, the better our employees' output is. As we service a diverse clientele and partner with suppliers of different backgrounds, we are proud of our ability to successfully connect based on our cultural awareness and inclusive mindset."

Vika Kim
Supply Chain Manager

Join UrbanBound

Are you:
  • Inclusive
  • Tech-forward
  • Future-oriented
  • Solutions-driven
  • Passionate
  • A whole lotta fun
If so, we’d love to meet you!
Human Resources Today