Finding healthcare workers is hard these days! Did you know that 70% of candidates accept an offer based on candidate experience, and in healthcare that number is 10-12% higher? If you aren't empathetic to their needs as a candidate, how can they expect you to support them in providing empathetic patient care?
Here are 6 ways to show empathy and optimism in the hiring process.
Start off right with a great Orientation Process
When looking for new healthcare candidates, orienting them to the structure of the hiring process helps candidates feel secure.
Laying out the hiring process can ease anxiety and show that your healthcare organization is great at communication - when most aren’t.
Having a lax hiring process with poor communication leaves candidates wondering if your healthcare organization is right for them. With fierce competition for healthcare workers, this is the last thing you need!
Be Quick in Your Response
Candidates value timely responses. It shows them that you’re organized, respectful, and considerate - what employees (and patients) want from their healthcare organization.
A delayed response can be seen as rejection - and no one wants to work somewhere they feel rejected. Don’t leave your candidate in the dark.
Create a Positive Atmosphere
Those involved in hiring healthcare employees should be empathetic and embody the culture of the organization, while providing a clear understanding of the environment the candidate will be working in. This makes them less likely to pursue other opportunities and more excited about the opportunity you’re offering.