Post-Relocation Support: Strategies for Continued Employee Engagement and Performance

Congratulations, you did it! You found the perfect applicant, sold them on the job and helped orchestrate a successful relocation. Now, it’s time to celebrate, yes?

Actually…not so fast. 

Yes, this is a major accomplishment. But your amazing new hire hasn’t actually proven themselves. So, don’t pop the champagne just yet.

Here’s the reality: in order to ensure that your newly relocated employee not only acclimates, but becomes a shining star, you’ll need to provide them with post-relocation support.

It’s All Connected: Relocation, Adaptation, Retention

Hiring and relocating a new employee is a big investment. But there’s no guarantee that they’ll stick around, let alone go on to succeed.

Statistically speaking, your new—and especially newly relocated—employees are at higher risk of bailing or failing than your long-timers. Consider these findings:

  • According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), turnover rates for relocated employees are substantially higher than for their homegrown peers.
  • Gallup Research reports that, across the board, new hire turnover rates are as high as 50% in the first 18 months of employment. 
  • Per a recent productivity survey, 81% of managers say that it takes at least six months for their new hires to become fully productive.

So, who’s going to set them up for success?

Darwin Was Right: Adaptation Is All

New job, new home, new community…newly relocated employees and their families have a great deal of adapting to do.

That includes everything from solving logistical puzzles (where’s the grocery store? what’s my best commuting option?) to workplace dynamics (where do I fit in with this team/organization?).

It means bridging cultural differences in both the workplace and community. And because humans are social animals, it means forming new relationships, too.

Because until new hires feel comfortable in their environment—i.e., adapt—they can’t possibly perform at their best.

Providing 5-Star Post-Relocation Support 

The point of post-relocation support is to accelerate your new employees’ acclimation, so they become the rockstars you hired them to be. Here’s five ways to accomplish this. 

1. Give ‘em the Inside Scoop, Coworker-style

Encouraging your current employees to share tips and knowledge with their new colleagues is valuable on several levels. Practically, it helps newbies find their way around faster. Socially, it opens up lines of communication, laying the basis for strong working relationships.

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2. Provide a Guide or Mentor

One of the best ways to ensure a new hire’s success is to partner them with an experienced colleague to show them the ropes, answer questions, and help them navigate the workplace. In fact, according to research, employers with mentors are happier at work than their non-mentored peers—and feel more valued, too.

3. Lean into Onboarding

An effective onboarding process is more than completing forms and reviewing HR policies. It immerses new hires in the culture and creates real engagement. Some savvy employers add elements to their onboarding program just for relocating employees, by providing extra information about the area. (Keep in mind: a strong onboarding experience can boost retention by up to 82%!)

4. Manage Your Managers

Studies show that managers play a uniquely important role in an employee’s work experience, bearing responsibility for up to 70% of their team members’ levels of engagement.  A strong manager knows how to coach and inspire, has ongoing one-on-ones with employees and unfailingly recognizes good performance.

5. Get Your Relocation Provider in on the Act

Ideally, post-relocation support begins PRE relocation—that is, when your new hire first begins their relocation planning. Arming them with information about your organization and area early on not only helps them make better decisions, but eases the stress of the unknown.  

This is where your relocation provider comes in—or should.

For example, when your organization partners with UrbanBound, your new hires gain access to our comprehensive relocation platform. Not only does this allow them to manage their relocation benefits online and interact directly with preferred suppliers, it gives them access to all kinds of great information designed to speed acclimation. For more information, check out our Company and Location pages and Co-Worker Insights section.

At UrbanBound, we believe that superior post-relocation support begins the very day your long-distance new hire accepts your job offer—and we’re here to help.  

Human Resources Today