With all the stressors of the past year, it’s no wonder we’re in a mental health crisis - in the workplace and at home. When 9/10 employees say workplace stress affects their home life, and 4/5 say they feel emotionally drained from their work - something must be done to support employee mental health.
In the age of “The Great Resignation,” you can’t afford to lose workers to mental health issues. So how do you help your employees navigate these unchartered waters and provide the support they need?
Promote Transparency
Having honest and open communication is the best way to breed trust in any organization. Workers should feel comfortable talking with their bosses or HR about mental health issues they’re struggling with. Talking about it helps reduce stigma and make others feel more comfortable coming forward.
With over half of employees saying they received a negative response when talking about mental health at work, open communication can make a big difference in retention rates.
Be proactive in encouraging transparency in workforce communications. Be sure to be up-front from the start.
Begin with a candidate experience that removes the guesswork, informs your soon-to-be new hire about your company and your location. If you’re relocating an employee, provide all the information up front - like key deadlines and timeframes, expectations and assistance. The right employee and candidate solutions start with full transparency.
Promote a positive employee experience. Carry the theme of transparency throughout an employee’s tenure and let them know you’re all part of a team that values keeping their employees in the loop rather blindsiding them later on.